FDOT District-1 selects 360ns to deploy Automated Wrong-Way Driving Alert System at 24 Critical Interchanges
The Florida Department of Transportation identified 24 critical interchanges along I-75 that needed safety enhancements to detect and alert for wrong-way drivers. Traditional implementations of Wrong-Way Driving Systems take months of planning and require costly equipment upgrades, hardware, and installation time. At 360ns, we came up with an innovative design to use the District’s existing infrastructure to implement our Automated Wrong-Way Driving Solution enabling integrated alerts, immediate notifications, and help streamline incident response plans across FDOT’s roadway network.
Together with FDOT D-1 and their maintenance contractor Transcore, 360ns conducted field surveys at every exit ramp and identified existing ITS poles to utilize for our wrong-way driving detection. The 360ns Team partnered with TrafficVision and Axis to install fixed high definition cameras on existing concrete poles while utilizing the DOTS’ ethernet communication and power infrastructure that currently was supporting their microwave radar detection system (MVDS). The project was a great success due to close collaboration of all parties, and the 360ns WWDS system was fully designed and implemented in less than 30 days across all 24 locations.
Since implementation of the system, the District has successfully detected many wrong way drivers and provided advanced warning to other potentially impacted drivers in the highway using the DOT’s Dynamic Message Signs. The WWDS was also fully integrated into FDOT’s SunGuide ATMS using open-sourced APIs to provide a streamlined operation and integrated incident management system.