Gwinnett County and 360ns install First CV Technology in Emergency and Transit
This week, Gwinnett County and 360ns are installing the first connected vehicle C-V2X Onboard Units (OBU’s) as part of their Smart Corridor Deployment Program in Emergency and County Transit vehicles. Gwinnett County and Georgia Department of Transportation selected 360ns to deliver a multi -year program which includes turnkey implementation of connected vehicle safety applications throughout the County’s traffic signal system and within their vehicle fleet. Installations include C-V2X connected vehicle on board units (OBUs) and human machine interfaces on Gwinnett County vehicles such as emergency vehicles, transit buses, and department of transportation maintenance and construction vehicles.

Under this project, the 360ns Team will enable safety enhancements using a connected vehicle service in the spectrum of 5.895 to 5.925 GHz for up to 386 intersections with CV2X fixed roadside equipment and 100 plus unique in-vehicle onboard units operating within the CV2X spectrum. The County and their travelling public will benefit from six enhanced connected vehicle (CV) safety applications:

· Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT)
· Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP)
· Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
· Construction and Maintenance Vehicle Alert (CMVA)
· Rail Intersection Blocked Alert (RIBA)
· Pedestrian Presence Alert (PPA)